Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Seattle Works

I’m pretty excited to start my volunteer gig with Seattle Works next week. They are a nonprofit in Seattle whose mission is “to inform, connect, and inspire people in their 20s and 30s to take action in our community”. A few times a year they start up Team Works, where for four months I’ll volunteer with the same group 0f 15 people one Saturday per month, each time focusing on a different community issue at a different organization.

My group is called "20s Sampler" (goofy, but descriptive). We'll be volunteering at:

Denny Wetland Nursery


Duwamish Alive

Secondary BOC School

The Denny Wetland Nursery is pretty obvious and Duwamish Alive has something to do with the river that drains into Puget Sound. Not sure yet what ROOTS and the BOC school are, but I'm looking forward to finding out. After each work day there is a happy hour gathering, so it should be fun. And it turns out my team captain is a woman who works for an organization affiliated with mine who I just saw present at an event on Friday, totally unrelated to Seattle Works.

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