Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Fuzzbot and Fuzzbot

We finished what Craft magazine started. They had the nerve to put those uber-cute robotmonsters on the cover but kept mum about how to make them. The joke's on them. We didn't need their stinkin' pattern after all. Robotmonster 2.0 (aka "Gordie" is on the way).

At some point I'm pretty sure we're going to be sued by Craft or the person whose robotmonsters were on the cover. The first two prototypes went to my niece and nephew (ages 7 and almost 4, which is important for reasons that will be obvious in a moment). They were originally Fuzzbot and Gordie, but Gordie found out that being the younger sibling means doing everything your older sister is doing, including naming your robot Fuzzbot, even if it means denying his birthright and forcing him to live a lie.

Kennet originally wanted to call this blog "My boyfriend is a knitting genius". Except I made the Fuzzbots and so far all he's got are some dismembered legs. Really this all started because I was pretty sure Kennet would like knitting, because he has completed similar projects in his past that I'm not allowed to describe in public for fear that he will have to relive the humiliation of sixth grade. Mostly because he likes to build stuff. But finally it was the challenge of uber-cute robotmonsters with no pattern in the magazine that got him going and here we are 4 months later with 9 knitting needles on the living room floor.

So we'll post WIP (works in progress), things that are good, recipes (like the salad Robin made the other night) and maybe pictures of hermit crabs.

Oh and I have to give my sister, Britney, credit for the robotmonsters part even though she never could identify any pop culture robot who was also a monster. You win. They exist.

I'm way too excited about this, especially since I'm pretty sure that our audience will be limited to me. And maybe Hillary because she's too nice to look away.

1 comment:

Maddi said...

Oh my goodness. This is ridiculously cute. The write-up, the robots, the whole dang thing is just super cute. Fuzzbots rock.