Sunday, July 26, 2009

Welcome Liza, Guest Blogger

Today we went to walk around Union lake. First we went to the P-patch and the scare crows were so cool and those snap peas were delicious. Then we saw some awesome planes that float. We walked over the Fremont bridge and stopped for breakfast at Petes coffee and had pastries then we went back to walking. By the time we were back I was so exhausted I had a cold foot bath.

Look at that flower. I can't believe that came from a squash.

Wow that could be taller than my dad.

AAAhhhh! That could scare godzilla.


Pat and Brit said...

Wow - that's one scary scarecrow. Glad you're having fun Liza - see you next weekend! Love, Mom & Dad

Unknown said...

Liza, That's awesome. I really like that squash flower! Looks like you're having a good time with Aunt Shelley - she walks a lot, doesn't she? :-)
Love, Grandma Robin