Thursday, July 30, 2009

Squishing Berries

Today we made freezer jam and rolls!!! The freezer jam was strawberry. It was sooo yummy. We had tons of fun making the bread rolls.We rolled them into perfect little balls. But it was fun watching people put tons of salt and oil on their rolls!!!The freezer jam was cool. We got to squish the strawberries ourselves and make our own labels!!! I wish I could stay longer but I miss my parents and my brother.

Look at all that algae !!!

Hello Seattle. Say hi.

Party time on the ferry yeah.


Mom & Dad & Will said...

We miss you too, Bug! Be sure to bring home the freezer jam recipe. We LOVE strawberry freezer jam. We are glad you're having such a fabulous week with Auntie Shell and Uncle Kennet!

Unknown said...

Oh, yum. Strawberry jam. That's a perfect summer treat. Oozy, gooey good!
Seattle is a big city, isn't it? And a pretty one. I like the Space Needle. Did Aunt Shelley point that out to you? I see it in your photograph.
I am wondering just what you'll be doing today. Everyday is something fun.
Lots of love, Grandma Robin

Kennet said...

Please tell me you didn't squish the berries with your toes.