Friday, July 31, 2009

Last Day at IslandWood

Today was my last day at Islandwood. We finished making the lip balm.And also we made dilly beans. It was tons of fun. We made little herb bouquets in the garden and tied them together. It was lots of fun being at Islandwood this week. I'll miss my instructors and my friends.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Squishing Berries

Today we made freezer jam and rolls!!! The freezer jam was strawberry. It was sooo yummy. We had tons of fun making the bread rolls.We rolled them into perfect little balls. But it was fun watching people put tons of salt and oil on their rolls!!!The freezer jam was cool. We got to squish the strawberries ourselves and make our own labels!!! I wish I could stay longer but I miss my parents and my brother.

Look at all that algae !!!

Hello Seattle. Say hi.

Party time on the ferry yeah.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Hottest Day Ever

Today at Islandwood we made green pasta it was delicious. No my hair did not turn green. We had to pick the herbs and the vegetables to make it and we used our hands to mix the dough. We also played camouflage. Skyler won twice no fair but it was tons of fun. We had popsicles and then we read a book. It was quite relaxing in all this heat.

Oh no, bright green noodles are smooshed!

I am spying on aunt Shelley. What is she doing?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Burning Hot Summer Days

Today we made chilly. We also watched a video about what is in our food. Did you know that food colorings can have gasoline in them and some drinks are colored with crushed bugs. So next time you go to the grocery store check the list of ingredients before you buy something. We also started making lip balm. We had lots of fun! Tune in tomorrow for more.

Hi Nora. having a good time at camp?

That's supposed to be lip balm.

Is it really raining ???

Monday, July 27, 2009

First Day at IslandWood

Today we made purple mashed potatoes and French fries at Islandwood. We dug up our own potatoes and baked them in a solar panel oven. We got to go on the ferry to get to Islandwood on Bainbridge island. We saw a cool bag made of chocolate milk rappers and we got to see giant sun flowers. We even got to see the difference in between the smallest and biggest potatoes .

Look at my camp counselor Adena.

Wow, look at that! That's a tiny potato.

A bag made out of chocolate milk wrappers?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Welcome Liza, Guest Blogger

Today we went to walk around Union lake. First we went to the P-patch and the scare crows were so cool and those snap peas were delicious. Then we saw some awesome planes that float. We walked over the Fremont bridge and stopped for breakfast at Petes coffee and had pastries then we went back to walking. By the time we were back I was so exhausted I had a cold foot bath.

Look at that flower. I can't believe that came from a squash.

Wow that could be taller than my dad.

AAAhhhh! That could scare godzilla.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009