Friday, March 23, 2007

Pleasing the 4-5 year old set

Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since a post. Sorry about that- hopefully we didn't lose anyone.

Here are two successful projects for the 4-5 year olds I know. My nephew Will got the Fuzzbot shirt. For a while I walked around the house after him saying bee boop bop every time he poked Fuzzbots buttons.

My friend Cathy's son Connor wanted fingerless gloves so much he was trying to cut the fingers off of his regular gloves. So I came up with a simple pattern that worked out ok, though I think they're still too short. These are the kind of gloves that will need to be remade every month or two- they seem to be well worn (see photo- yes, Cathy says he is actually asleep).

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