Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Burning Hot Summer Days

Today we made chilly. We also watched a video about what is in our food. Did you know that food colorings can have gasoline in them and some drinks are colored with crushed bugs. So next time you go to the grocery store check the list of ingredients before you buy something. We also started making lip balm. We had lots of fun! Tune in tomorrow for more.

Hi Nora. having a good time at camp?

That's supposed to be lip balm.

Is it really raining ???


Will said...

Hi Liza,
You must be having fun and you must be really excited. I love you.


Britney said...

I can't wait to check out your homemade lip balm. I'm hoping you will make some chili for us here... maybe when it cools down though. It got up to 105* today. Yikes! Even Will seemed a little lethargic in the heat.

Take care and enjoy the rest of your week

Pat said...

Can you make it rain here too?

Glad you're having so much fun - Love, Dad

Unknown said...

Hi Liza!
Hope it cools down a little. Whew.
It's so hot the birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground. HA!

Wow that lip balm is awesome...Cool, now you can have purple hair and green lips. :-)

Sorry about the mosquitos. Itch, Scratch! That's no fun.

Hey, did you know you can get "natural" food colorings made out of spices? For example you can make yellow with spices like Tumeric and Saffron. People make rice yellow with Saffron all the time in India! It's delicious.

Love, Grandma