Thursday, April 19, 2007

A very small thumb

One of the nice perks of my work is having garden educators as colleagues who are enthusiastic to share the garden with not only the kids who visit us, but the rest of us lowly staff folk. Last year, Kennet's Dad helped me make these flower boxes for our deck (with my broken elbow and all) and last year I killed a pitiful number of sad looking swiss chard and pea plants that never got bigger than my pinkie. This year I'm determined to turn things around, owing mostly to worm feces. How can you not love that? My favorite thing about this process is that I realized that since I've been carting our food scraps over to the worm bin at work in my panniers intermittently for a year now, I could reasonably claim that our old food scraps have come full circle to help nourish our new baby plants.

So here are parsley and peas, tied up with Hillary-esque orange string, lettuce starts, and some oregano and sage. Rachael also gave me some onions and some cilantro seeds- cool fact: Did you know cilantro and coriander are the same plant? Who knew.

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