Saturday, March 24, 2007

Parental Release Forms

My friends and co-workers Rachael and Scott have a small farm on Marrowstone Island (near Port Townsend) where they have 3 goats. Two have had babies in the last week and Maddi and I took a road trip to see them. There are four altogether, two boys and two girls. The boys are named Chop and T-bone, which I'm a little pissed about because I claimed T-bone as my future dog's name long ago and was not consulted about this decision.

The girls are still awaiting names, but we talked today about tree names- babies often get named with a theme and each name starts with the same letter as their mother's so you can tell the lineage.

I can't tell them apart for the life of me, so I can't tell you which one this is. See more photos here.

The mamas and the babies love this mound of dirt piled up from a recent septic system dig - some kind of king of the hill complex or something. Scott says they're just learning how to headbutt- amazing how independent they are for only being four days old.

Oh and the title is in reference to Rachael's response to my question about putting the babies on the blog- while we did not get goat mama's permission, no animals were harmed in the making of this posting.

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